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The smoke was resinous and dense, big clouds from the vape, burnt on the darker side in the bong, but was pretty smooth on both. Flavour leaned more towards thin mints, a bit of a creamy mint gas on the exhale, good amount of flavour to the smoke.

Gene Rishi / Facebook

Sweet, dank, bit of skunk but it is not a sharp smell, it comes up from the buds in a pleasant way. Very good aroma. Smoke is very very smooth, taste is alright for the bong, not as tasty as the Gelato Mint but it’s great.

Robert hull / Facebook

I wont lie, it’s absolutely good flower but I’d be hard pressed to pick this up again as I got quite bored with the profile over the long run. I still have over a quarter of it left and while it has held up quite well in a grove bag, I very seldomly go to reach for it. Smokes great and vapes well too, just a little boring in the flavour department for me but objectively quite good. I think the price point is fair but I’d rather get it on a discount if I could. Obviously this is my opinion so if you’re tempted by anything else I’ve mentioned I would try it out.

Campa Nudo / Instagram